Minutes: August 21, 2008
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MINUTES: August 21,2008

LOCATION: Sacheen Fire Station

The meeting was called to order at 4:03. Commissioners Schmidt and Storms were present. The minutes of the July 7 meeting were read and approved with correction that combined tax collection for the District in 2008 was $54,200, not $60,200.


- Most significant update is that Sheila Pachernegg, the hydro geologist was able to walk the Stimson property on August 13 and expressed encouragement that the property seems well suited to lagoon/land application. Sheila will put together a preliminary report as to her findings.

- The forest appears to be approximately 15 years of growth which is great for nutrient uptake.

                                                                                                                                   - Eric presented steps that we need to proceed with.                                                                              '

- Question was asked whether we could/should enter into negotiations for the Stimson property

before we have a whole lake LID, the mechanism for funding. It is suggested that we could continue "contingent" on the passage of a whole lake LID.

- Mike Kanyer suggested that we place a bond issue on a special ballot so we could secure the property outright without dependence on the whole lake LID. Eric replied that IF the Board is committed to a whole lake LID that the separate bond issue would complicate the process. By including the property cost in the funding package, usually at a lower interest rate.

- Pat Wood asked again what happened to the letters to be sent out for the LID. The final informational meeting is scheduled for the 30th, then when all pieces of information are in order the letters will go out.

- Maria Bullock states that no one on Kohles Beach signed on for an LID. She says the money they put up was not an indication of support for a sewer system.

- Concern was again expressed regarding the wording of the letter for the LID formation. Eric states that how the letter is composed is dictated by RCW.

- Jeff suggests a cover letter go along with the notice to make sure that people realize that a non­response is support for the project.

- Jeff suggests that the notices be sent registered mail.

- Jeff questioned whether we will again be comparing different systems if we go with the

Stimson property or just going with a lagoon system? DOE requires that a comparison of systems be made. We have already looked at several, but the Board ultimately gives direction as to what system to use.

- Package plants generally require more rigorous monitoring and chemicals. They can also be pretty spendy. Lagoon systems are basically a form of recycling and generally are less costly to operate than package plants. Monitoring costs for lagoon systems are generally less than for a package plant.

- DOE does not monitor the process, but does monitor what we do with the effluent.

- Many older lagoon systems are in the news as needing updates, are we setting ourselves up for

higher future costs? Most of those systems needing updates are lagoons that were no lined and are infiltrating groundwater. These need repairs, or updates.


- Sheila said that she has spoken with both Roger Els and Dick Bockemuehl regarding best professional opinions of the Stimson property. Dick Bockemuehl highly suggested that we get an appraisal done as they have more standing. He recommended AM-PAC appraiser in Colville. Sheila called Auble and Assoc. who did the appraisal for the park property. They also suggested we might rather want the services of AM-PAC. AM-PAC says the cost for an appraisal would be approximately $400 if a timber cruise is not required.

- Motion was made and passed to hire AM-PAC Appraisal services to appraise the Stimson property with a cap of$500.

- Jeff introduced Gary Mitchell of Natural Resources Conservation Service. This is a non-profit group looking at problems and projects that rural communities are facing and ways to make projects happen. The Council is made up of a council of 5 County Commissioners and has already said they would like to help Sacheen. $150 buys you membership and a vote. Their job is to help their clients do what they need to do by making good decisions:

Find Grants Write Grants

Grant Administration

- The NRCS is new to sewer projects, and so far has none. On Gary's projects, he has had one project and it was successful.

- If Board signs agreement with NRCS we are putting ourselves at risk for costs even if no funding is received through them.

- Gary suggests two things: 1. Facilitation ofproject concept so people can make educated decisions, 2. Sit down as group and look at options, looking for the best solutions and guarantees whenever possible.

- Andy Torn notes that this area is not economically depressed and should plan on no grant money. PWTF currently has pre-construction money available, but no construction money until next year.

- Sheila reported that the Board received 5 letters of interest in the Board vacancy. Sheila read a letter form Karen Averitt regarding Jan's replacement. Motion was made and passed to go into Executive Session at the end of the meeting to discuss the candidates.

- Lake level has continued to rise, read 8.76. Sheila has called Justin and reiterated that they need to get down there at least three times per week asking if they need additional help. They just don't seem to be able to get it done. Sheila has spoken with neighbor Peter Johnsen and it seems he might be interested in doing the work. His schedule could be beneficial as he works a rotating shift and often has daytime available to work. As the fall comes, this will be even more important for lack of daylight.

- Volunteer crew of Don Hill Perry Pearman and Joe Pearman went down and cleaned tubes on the 20th. It is believed that the start-up darns below the water shed are holding back quite a bit of water. Suggested that another crew get together and go down on Saturday to get everything back to clean slate.

- Jeff feels that the elbows seem to work and thinks we should buy two more to install on darn #3. Motion "vas made and passed for thc purchase of2 elbows for dam #3.


- Perry Pearman said that dam #2 with elbows on it was plugged. The deceiver had been removed from dam #3 because it was harder to keep it clean and supported than leaving it off. He asks that we wait on the elbows and let them try installing a sort of trash or bar screen.

- Jeff feels that our most successful year was when we had the trapper. He thinks we should try to reduce and maintain the beaver population.

- Motion was made and passed to talk to a trapper to try to develop a plan for next spring.

- Sheila said she has not yet written the letters to those lakefront property owners that are not in

the District. Board suggests that reasons for annexation might be:

1)   Have all lake front owners in District

2)   Working on whole lake sewer

3)   Water quality and weed issues they have benefited from

The Board went into Executive Session at 6:15 for the purpose of discussing candidates for Board vacancy.

No decision was made as to process to use for selection of Commissioner. Sheila ,will check with Mike Ormsby for better instruction.

The next meeting will be September 4 @ 7:00 pm. The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 pm

Sheila Pearman, Managing Secretary


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