Minutes: August 7, 2008
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Sacheen Lake
Sewer & Water District

MINUTES: August 7,2008

LOCATION: Sacheen Fire Station

The meeting was called to order at 7:10. Commissioners Schmidt and Storms were present. A minute of silence was observed in honor of the late Commissioner Anderson. The minutes of the July 17 meeting were read and approved.


- Sheila reports that she has posted. the Commissioner vacancy in the Newport Miner for Aug 6 & 13 with request for response by August 19.

- Commissioner Storms suggests that if we get more than one applicant for the vacancy that we submit them to the County Commissioners for them to make the decision. He says that this has

                                                                                                                          been done before.                                                                                                                           '

- kjTmade motion to request that the County Commissioners choose Jan's replacement. The motion was seconded and passed. (Sheila will check with Mike Ormsby and Auditor's office on this.)

- Discussion was had regarding Commissioner positions that will be up for election in 2009. It was realized that all three positions will eome up for election for varying lengths. Sheila will double check these, but it looks like:

Position #1 will be to complete Jan's term to 2011 Position #2 will be to·complete Jeff's term to 2013 Position #3 will be full term (Ron's) to 2015

- Don Newcomb received three bids-for the tree removal at the park. Extreme Tree Services bid was the lowest. Sheila will have Don set up a time for that work to be done.

- Sheila presented preliminary budgets to the Commissioners for consideration in determining

the amount we will request for M&O collection in 2009. Went over current budget expenses and anticipated expenses until the end of the year. Sheila proposed that the request for the M&O be approximately $0.75 per thousand dollars of assessed valuation to provide $53,250 for the ~ District's general fund. (Last years combined request for Bond repayment and M&O was ~+: z.oo-r ~. Within the M&O request is included approximately $11,000 for the PWTF payment


- Motioll was made and passed 10 sign Resolution 08-0] to submit to the District voters in the Novemher election for an M&O levy of approximately $0.75 per thousand to provide the District's gcneralll1l1d

$53,250 for expenses in 2009.

- Sheila presented the Board with the final report for the 2002-2007 Milfoil Controls as submitted to the Department of Ecology by Dave Lamb.

- Discussion was had concerning this year's herbicide application and concerns regarding the applicators responsiveness to our needs. Mike Kanyer notes that the young man he spokc with gave him information that was not accurate and that his request for specific notification of when the application was to be done was not honored. Question as to whether our contract with Aquatcchnex should be revisited.


- Sheila reports that the current lake level is 8.4 having gone up from 8.3. Justin reported that he had not been down for a week due to time restraints. Sheila has reminded him that he needs to be down there at least three times a week to maintain the tubes.

- Rich Prange noted that the deceiver had been pulled from dam #3. Sheila said that Darrell reported that after a couple modifications that he found the deceiver was not working and was harder to clean and maintain so he removed it. He never did place one on the other dams as he was trying to work with and modify on dam #3 as model.

- Gary Beyersdorf thought we had a contract with Darrell for the deceivers, but the Board informed him there was no contract. We had agreed to try the deceivers. Darrell has charged nothing for time or material for the deceivers.

- Jeff feels that having one or two employees does not cut it. He feels that the use of volunteer crews to go down is critical. This time of year we seem to always have trouble with the employees. Are we not paying enough or is there just a problem with work ethic? We need to find someone to do it welL

- Gary Beyersdorf comments:

-Years ago when adjudication of the lake was discussed, 6.9 was the agreed upoJ;llake level.

- He says that he has lost 25 feet off the front of his property.

- No hope for sewer

- Nothing working like it is supposed to

- Mike Kanyer said that he and Debbie had gone downstream and noticed that there was a log at

dam #2 that looked as though it were possibly being used as a "plug". Sheila will check with Justin on that.

- It was noted that the lake level can only go down so far as there is bedrock under the bridge and that flowing water over that bedrock is necessary for the health of the lake.

- Sheila Pachemegg the hydrogeologist will be our on Wed the 13th @ 10 to take a walkabout on the Stimson property.

- Jeff asked if the letters requesting annexation have gone out yet. Sheila reports that she will be going to the assessor's office in the morning to find out property owners and addresses.

- Question was asked regarding the Stimson property. Since the aereage is much more than wc need if we could sell some of it as surplus? That would depend on the research done as to the suitability ofthc property and how much we would need. We could possibly be able to sell off the excess to recoup some of the cost.

- Is there any way to put the purchase of the property on a bond issue. Yes, but that might take longer that actually putting the cost into the project loan. To be placed on this fall's ballot, it would need to be submitted by the 12th of August. The 160 acres and lagoon system are truly only feasible if going with a whole lake treatment so would be more economically feasible to put its cost into the financing package vs. a separate bond issue.

- Discussion was had as to how to determine a price per acre offer for the Stimson property . We will try to get market appraisals from two realtors, Mary Ann Jones and Dick Bockemuehl.

- It was suggested that some type of memorial be put at the Myers/Harter Sanctuary in Jan's honor. Sheila will check on possibilities.

- Gary Beyersdorf feels that the Board has not made enough decisions for the people to support a whole lake sewer system. He will not support a "blank check". He feels the Board needs to be making policy decisions now .

• There will be one more informational meeting on the 30th for residents to come ask questions on the sewerlLID issues.


- Jill Short reminds that Board that thcy are elected officials and need to be making decisions based on what is best for the District as a whole.

- One of the decisions that Board will need to make in proposing the LID is what level of support is needed before a whole lake project goes ahead. Sheila read a copy of the letter that went out with thc Terrace LID request. That letter used 40% as the required number of protest to stop the LID formation.

- Bill Lands suggests that ifi'when the Board makes an offer to Stimson that they request "exclusive right to purchase~.

The next meeting will be August 21 at 4:00. The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 pm

Sheila Pearman, Managing Secretary

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