Minutes: July 17, 2008
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Sacheen Lake
Sewer & Water District

MINUTES: July 17,2008

LOCATION: Sacheen Fire Station

The meeting was called to order at 4:13 by Chairman Ron Schmidt. All Commissioners were present. The minutes of the July 3 meeting were read and approved with only a spelling correction.


- Eric Eldenburg began with an apology to Bill & Donna Lands for what was felt to be a less than professional comment at ,the previous meeting he attended. Donna thanked him and said that they would also try to be more professional.

- Discussion was had regarding the 160 acres of Stimson Lumber property.

- Stimson considers the value of the property to be highest & best use for development.

- Eric says thc property looks good, but really only a consideration if doing a whole lake project.

Has boulders but does not look like any bedrock sticks through. (signs of Mother Earth). - Benefit of the Stimson property

1)  Can serve the whole lake with no question

2)Could treat with lagoon/land application which is easy to maintain and very forgiving. 3) Could possibly surplus portion of property that we do not need and sell it in the future.

- To go any further, the Board needs to reverse its previous directive as any more investigation works against the Board's current directive.

- What amount would be needed to offer for the land? The Kopp property is approximately $4,000 per acre. If offered that amount per acre to Stimson we would still be within the budget that we have been working within.

- Jeff asks if there are water rights for Deer Creek that go along with the property. Don't know.

- Jan says she would be willing, with Eric's advice to go ahead and look at the Stimson property.

- Eric would like to look at it and prepare a preliminary cost alternative.

- Jeff asks if we would still use the E-l pumps? Eric says we could use both septic tank and

E-1 's as a lagoon system can accepts both solid and effluents. This appears to be a best of all worlds situation, making an opportunity for those with newer septic systems to converts to this system easily and cost effectively.

- Still unkown how many hook-ups the Kopp property can support as there has still been no investigation of the additional 20 acres.

- With either piece, a facility plan still needs to be completed.

- With 160 acres we could place the lagoon inside the property and have plenty of buffer from

any neighboring properties.

- The lagoon size would be determined by type of system used.

- Current status of the timber on the property is about 20 year growth with trees about 20 feet

tall. A young forest like this is optimal for nutrient uptake for irrigation.

- A facility building on site would house pumps, valves, gauges, and disinfection system. It is necessary to disinfect before land application.


- Lori Storms tells the Board that when her mother was County Assessor she always said that small properties are more valuable than large parcels and to please keep that in mind when considering and asking price.

- Jill Short states that she would rather see the District put more money into this property than continue with the Kopp property.

- .Tan madc a motion Lo pursue investigation of feasibility of using Stimson propClty. Motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

- Eric says the next step is to have Sheila Pochernegg the hydro geologist look at it. The hydro study for a lagoon system as he is proposing it does not required the in depth consideration that the Kopp property did.

- Jeff says that he spoke with County Commissioner Dean Cummings. He sits on a board that helps finance projects such as ours. This board looks to try to find different ways to finance projects.

- Eric reminds us that investigation of funding can be done concurrently with project planning. Next steps in process for Stimson property would be:

1)   Create whole lake LID

2)   Complete investigation of property

3)   Get a property purchase agreement in place

4)   Develop facility plan for parcel

5) Amend District's Comp Plan to include this property.

- Andy Tom suggests that most successful grants have been received by line item appropriation or by dire need. Sacheen would not be considered in dire need.

- Gary Beyersdorf suggests that it is not the job ofthe SLSWD to control growth. His family would like to see sewer, but not with a blank check. He also feels that any system constructed should be expandable. He also suggests that the Board go ahead and make the big decisions and then work out the policies and details while investigation goes forward .•

- Jeff says he would like to attend one ofthe meetings of Dean's board to see what fmancing

they might be able to come up with. 1an says she would like to join him. It would most likely be in August.

- Eric will have Sheila P. do some initial discovery on the Stimson property, but eventually we will need to do a more comprehensive study if we go ahead there.

- Jan says she knows Doug Smith (from Stimson) and his family very well. She will speak with him.

- Eric says he will speak with Kevin Kasel in his office about attending the meeting on the 26th as Eric is unavailable.

- Question for consideration is how many hook-ups Cedar Creek would need? Also, other properties that have more than one living structure.


- Sheila reports that Mike Jones will not longer be working downstream with Justin. He thought there would be more hours to support his travel up here.

- Justin informed Sheila that his girlfriend Danielle would like to fill the position. The Board says that is alright as long as she is 18.

- Lake level as of today is 8.4


- Jeff thinks that the District should write letters to those property owners whose properties are lakefront but are not within District boundaries to encourage them to annex themselves into the District. Send these letters registered mail.

- Sheila will call John Kopp and update him on status of project.

- Sheila spoke with Mike Ormsby and questioned whether we can build in the 2009 PWTF debt

payment for the Camp Plan into our yearly M&O levy request. Ifwe fail to pass our M&O, then we could go ahead with the process of setting a fce.

- Motion was made and passed to include the Comp Plan payment as part or our 2009 M&O request

- Motion was made and passed to keep open the discussion of sewer project until December 31.

- Sheila spoke with Dave Lamb yesterday and he says that Aquatechnex is planning to apply on

Friday the 2Slh ..

- Mike Kanyer said that he spoke with one of the young men posting notices and asked him what herbicide they were using. The young man said it was up to the Board??? Mike says that Sadie (his dog) gets sick every time we treat.

- Don Newcomb got a bid of $1 ,400 for the removal of four trees at the park. Sheila asked ifthe Board would consider using volunteers to take them down. The Board said no t volunteers but did request that we get 2 more bids before going ahead.

The next meeting will be August 7 at 7:00. The meeting was adjourned at 5:40 pm.

Sheila Pearman, Managing Secretary

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