MUNUTES: May 15,2008
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MINUTES: May 15,2008

LOCATION: Sacheen Fire Station


The meeting was called to order at 4: 12 by Chairman Ron Schmidt. All Commissioners were present. The minutes ofthe last meeting were read and approved without changes or corrections.

- Eric Eldenburg brought copies of the Comprehensive Plan. They have been adopted by the board.


* Now, two copies are to be sent back to Ecology with a copy of the minutes showing when the board made the motion to adopt, and a letter from Ron saying what was done.


- Eric said public comment could be taken at this point, to guide the board toward a system just for the Terrace-O'Days, or Terrace-O'Days-Kohles Beach or any combination, up to a whole lake system.


- Ron said the LID guidelines and laws have been reviewed by an attorney, and the board is following all the regulations. The Board isn't forcing the issue of a whole lake system, but they are hearing more support in more areas than they used to hear. In addition to the Terrace­O'Days support, there are 18 owners interested in Kohles Beach, 35 by Linda Cannon, and some on East Shore.


- Eric and Mike Ormsby will be present at the May 24 meeting to answer question. Information will also be available at the SBA meeting on June 14.


- Bill Lands asked Eric about the estimated 420 residence capacity of the Kopp property in light of the 607 lots counted by Sewell and Associates. Eric says that once capacity is reached, more cannot be connected.


- Ron said multi-lot owners who combine their lots through the County process reduce the capacity needs.


- There is confusion regarding two lots separated by a road and whether or not the owner must pay for two connections. The owner and the board can sign an agreement stating the second lot will never ask to be connected.


- The County Comprehensive Plan can say a lot must be connected, but the, understanding at this point is that the Sewer District has the overriding decision.


- The District can also de-annex property that it does not want to serve.


- It was asked if the District will be required to connect and serve the boat launch, the park, and the small public access points around the lake. Eric does not know, but suggested that the District needs to check soon with Marthaller from Planning and/or an attorney.


- It was also asked that if public tax money is used for sewering, do properties adjacent to the pipeline have to be connected? Eric said no, and that if USDA Rural Development (RD) money is used, RD will say certain properties can't be served, i.e., wetlands certain others.


- It was asked if policies regarding lot consolidation could be determinect earlier, so lot owners know whether or not to approve an LID. Eric said that usually the Facility Plan is adopted first, and then LID lot consolidation policies are fleshed out. Once the consolidation policy is decided, the owners would have a sixty day period to decide whether or not to connect their additional lots.

- Typically, the District works with the attorney so ordinances, policies, etc., are done in the needed order.


- It was commented that the lack of details makes a lot of people nervous about buying a "pig in a poke". Ron reassured that information will be put out. They are getting legal advice, so it will be done right.


- Although a sewer district cannot go forward with an LID if 60% oppose it, a district would be unwise to proceed if as little as 25% oppose it. A district can decide not to proceed at even lower percentages.


- Kathy Newcomb asked if the whole lake concept will delay the Terrace project, and Ron said he hopes the Terrace Cluster will still go forward in 2009.


- Concern over the capacity figure changes of200 to 220 to 420 was expressed. The additional acreage available after the Kopp property purchase has better soil capacity, so figures were revised.


- Individual connection fees are not part of the Facility Plan. Those happen in the design phase.


- Although an LID can be set up to address a problem or blighted area, Eric says they are more of a funding tool to guarantee repayment of a loan when a system does not yet exist to generate fund repayment. If a loan is not repaid, a lien is placed on the property, thus guaranteeing repayment.


- Bill Lands expressed concern that a traditional drain field won't be included in any plan options. He feels we need to be able to contrast that cost with the Aeromod system.


- Would a lending institution require a certain percentage of approval before they would fund a project?


- Would a lending institution accept a smaller than whole lake project?


- If it's planned in two phases, would funding be impaired?


- If Kohles Beach and the Terrace are in phase one, but East Shore doesn't want to be included, would that create a funding problem?


- Eric said each phase would be an LID and apply individually for funding. He did not foresee that it would create a funding problem to have a pocket not included.


- If the project is in two phases with the Terrace LID as phase one, phase tow would need a second LID and would not begin paying until that second LID is formed.


- The Facility Plan will include the estimate for the monthly maintenance and operations fees. It is dependent on how many are in the LID. Each alternative in the Facility Plan will have a different estimate of the monthly fee and the shared assessment costs. Eric feels that the monthly fee will be $75-$100. Rough estimates are generally given before an LID is formed. The Facility Plan should be ready in September 2008.


- Commonly, private funding can be arranged to pay for the loan until actual revenue starts commgm.


- In Sheila's absence, Jan reported that a letter expressed concern that property owners not in the Terrace LID would still be paying those costs incurred. Only those in the Terrace LID will be paying those costs.


- Bill Lands said the property on Veit Road could be used for the building (plant). It is five acres and the owner is willing to selL


- The Lands visited the Pateros, Washington Aeromod system. It is 1,000 feet away from the nearest residences and does still smell They also checked the Metaline system today and there is an odor.


- Sewell and Associates have been given permission to go on the Kopp property.


- Sheila submitted the weed paperwork for milfoil treatment chemicals to Ms Sorby.


-Jan reported the Sunday lake level was 9.4. Jeff noted it is 9.33 now.


- Darrell has been cleaning the tubes and reports water is flowing nicely. He has not yet been paid.


- The Sterling/Johnson access agreement will be dealt with when Sheila gets back, since she spoke with Darrell.


- Jeff again requested to read copies of the agreement and letters. He has not received any. Jan reports that she and Ron have not received copies yet either.


- The Watershed Committee meeting minutes gave estimates for beaver mitigation work by Darrell.


- The Conservation District isn't clear yet on what the grant will pay, so the District doesn't know what they will be paying. It was approved by the Board to offer $12/hr for cleaning beaver tubes, although nothing has been paid yet for this year.


- Twelve access agreement letters have been sent out to downstream property owners, but we don't yet have any responses.


- Linda Cannon reminded us that the goal is to lower the lake level. That needs to be considered above the matter of who cleans them.


- It was suggested that Bryony of the WBLSR W committee could maybe explain at a meeting how estimates were made for beaver mitigation work.


- Some of last year's debris wasn't disposed of in the agreed upon manner by former employees. Only some of it was picked up by the County.

Vouchers were signed.

The meeting was adjourned at 5 :55pm.

Notes were take in Sheila's absence by

Pam Zarko.

Respectfully submitted,


Pam Zarko

* denotes actions to be taken

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