MINUTES: May 1,2008

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MINUTES: May 1, 2008

LOCATION: Sacheen Fire Station


The meeting was called to order at 7:07 by Chairman Ron Schmidt with Commissioner Storms present. Commissioner Anderson was absent. The minutes of the April 17 meeting were read and approved with no corrections or additions.



-          Letter from Mike Ormsby as follow up with meeting of the 25th

-          Copy of WASWD “Pipeline”



- The Comprehensive Plan has been approved by the Department of Ecology pending its approval by the District Board.


- Motion was made, seconded and passed to approve the Comprehensive Plan as submitted by Sewell Engineering.


- Sheila will contact Cynthia Wall from DOE with notice of the Board's approval.


- Sheila informs the Board that we have approval to access the Kopp property for site investigation. Jeff says that he already walked the property with Bill Lands on Sunday.


- Both Jeff and Sheila wrote up draft access agreements for downstream. After discussion, it was decided that Sheila will combine elements of the two and send them to all downstream property owners between the Fertile Valley bridge and the barrier dam. Sheila will verify addresses and then mail out.


- Discussion was had regarding the access agreement with the Sterling/Johnsons.


·         Jeff feels that in all the years since the installation of the bigger tubes we have never used their property for access.


·         Jeff feels that Silver City has made great efforts to accommodate us and have been good neighbors.


·         Not one believes that they ever go onto the Sterling/Johnson property


·         Sterling/Johnson property has lots of start-up dams.


·         Suggestion made that we move the tubes over to the Silver City side of the dam


·         Sally Storms says she wants none of her tax dollars to pay for access


·         Mike Kanyer says that there are enough hard feelings between "us" and the Sterling/Johnson's that we should go work with Silver City


·         Also states that he will not try to undermine that District in paying Darrell for hours he works on lake level, but that the Board will hear about it forever if we agree to the access agreement with them


·         Jill Short notes that as Darrell stated at the Watershed meeting that this is not a punitive effort, but one that Mary & Darrell feel is necessary because of the activity in and around their property. " as in their back yard.

- Jeff made a motion to table the Sterling/Johnson access agreement to the next meeting. The motion was seconded and passed. We will revisit at the May 15 meeting.

- Sally Storms noted that she got several copies of the mailer from the District while Lori Storms says she did not receive one. Sheila will check her list for duplication.


- Sheila presented a draft of the income survey that RCAC would send out to District residents. After discussion it was decided that the survey should not be sent out until after the May 24 meeting in which more information is presented to residents.


- Watershed Group update-it was agreed by that group to allow Byrony to write the grant for the money allocated for beaver mitigation. She is presently gathering numbers to put together to formulate the grant.


- It was noted that many in attendance at the Board meeting also opposed use of the CTED monies to pay for any access agreement.


- Sheila suggested that since Darrell Johnson has been working to keep the tubes clear since February 24 that the Board consider paying him retroactively to that date. She will find out from Darrell how many hours that would be before the Board approves.


- Present lake level is 9.4.


- Question was presented as to whether all the small public access lots that are being proposed to be opened up would be required to have sewer hook-up if/when we construct a system around the lake.


- Sheila noted that there has been no new information regarding status of Cedar Creek from County officials.

The next meeting will be May 15 @4:00. The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 pm.

Sheila Pearman, Managing Secretary


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