Minutes Jan 3, 2008
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MINUTES: January 3, 2008

LOCATION: Sacheen Fire Station

The meeting was called to order at 7: 15 by Chairman Ron Schmidt Commissioner Storms was absent. The minutes of the December 12 meeting were read and accepted with the following amendments:

Mr. Lands asked Eric if the primary reason to select the Thies property is to avoid the possibility of lawsuits and Eric's reply was yes.

Mrs. Lands could find no mention in minutes regarding 3rd party purchase of Thies property to hold for District.


- Flyer for the 7th Annual Regional Lakes Conference

- WASWD "Pipeline"

- Note of appreciation from Sewell

- Proposal for 2008 work from Dave Lamb

- Notice of possible milfoil grant opportunity

- WGEP Liability Assessment

- WGEP Annual Report and 'News Splash"

- Certified letter Ie-mail from Bill & Donna Lands

- Invoice from Aquatechnex for 2007 Moon Creek drip system

- Invoice from Mike Ormsby .

- Invoice from County for November election expenses


- The Lands state that they offered $80,000 cash for the Thies property we are considering after they found out we were trying to purchase it They say that the property was purchased for $66,000 and the the Kopps have underlying ownership.

- The County will not pursue reversal of ownership of streambeds of Little Spokane and its tributaries (Holman vs Griffith)

- Don't know what the plan for the 4 foot tubes is at this point It looks as though if the tubes are to be installed it will need to be done by a contractor.

- Ron reports that Eric feels the Thies property would be able to support up to 240 homes for the cluster drainfield.

~ lan and Jeff will look further into the property on the south side of the lake that is reportedly being considered by DNR for a land exchange.

- The Lands ask that the District not push the limit of the winter month loading of the drainfield and allow too many connections. Consider conservatively so that if year round residency were to substantially grow with addition of the sewer that we would not go to over capacity.

- What type of protection can we put in place to assure winter time residency does not exceed the capacity of the underground system to be used during the winter months?

- Jan made motion to approve the 2008 budget as was submitted for their review at the last meeting. Motion was seconded and budget was approved.

- Sheila will check with Dave Lamb to ensure that the Aquatechnex invoice is correct before submitting for payment

- Sheila reports that she submitted final reimbursement request for the 2002 DOE grant to collect the remaining $1,300. Final reimbursement request for 2004 grant can be submitted when the payment to Aquatechnex is made.

- Jan questioned whether we need to employ Dave Lamb's services for the milfoil work as our divers have been doing it with him for several years. Ron believes that we do. Sheila will make copies of the proposal for the Commissioners and we will revisit it at later meeting.

- Jan informs the Board that she will be out of town for the meeting on the 17th.. Sheila will check with Jeff to see if he can make the meeting. If not we will look to move the meeting date. - Ron reports that Eric is planning to bring another engineer in to further review the proposed system.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 pm


Sheila Pearman, Managing Secretary

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